Gabriel helped collect the eggs and also had an accident with coop door! Another little job to be added to the list, which is increasingly long with the impending house move...
Three eggs a day from just the two girls! Over laying may seem great at the time, but it can lead to problems with mineral deficiencies as well as shortening their laying life.
On Saturday we had a lovely afternoon out at the Caernarfon Agricultural Show. The weather was lovely for it and Gabe really enjoyed looking at all the different animals on show.
Just as we were ready to get some hatching eggs both girls decided that actually they no longer fancied brooding! Thankfully we hadn't bough the eggs yet or it would have been an emergency incubator purchase, or a very expensive quiche....
Almost as soon as they are laying one of the girls has decided she would like to be a mummy hen. One of the reasons I wanted bantams for the back garden is their broodiness.
The two little bantams have found out they can manage a good escape plan when they put their minds to it. Four nights ago there was panic. Went out to lock them up for the night and no chickens to…
I must admit that cleaning up after two little bantams is a breeze after having such a large flock before! The ducks used to be the muckiest creatures, absolutely gorgeous to have around the garden and such fun to watch,…