It is cold, wet, and windy here in North Wales. The chickens are rather unhappy about this fact and seek shelter in the bushes for large chunks of the day. Despite the bad weather we still needed to do the weekly clean out, and Gabriel really wanted to help.
As well as using the big bucket to collect shavings for the bedding and helping daddy to to scrub out the coop he decided a little chicken rounding up was in order. It wasn’t until after we realised how appropriate his little waterproof outfit was!
Gabe is a real outdoorsy little boy and will ask to go play in the garden whatever the weather. The cats are now quite used to him, and Arwen lets him cuddle up with her whenever he gets the chance. The chickens were a little more reluctant bar the new girl Goldie, who seems to think he may be a good target for treats.
We have decided to get a new coop when we move. Something a little larger and custom built. Although the coop we got has served its purpose it was a “cheapy” and they never last that well sadly. We shall move it with us whilst we get settled in, but then we shall either start building ourselves or get someone local to make us a new, more sturdy, coop.
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