Monthly Archives: May 2010

Growing like weeds!

The ducklings are already catching up on mum Eve in size. Eve is a silkie x sussex and very small so I knew it wouldn’t take long – but this was quicker that I thought and I just hope she

Another Sunny Day

The weather is wonderful again today. I’m loving it, but the chickens seem a little unimpressed and the ducks are guzzling water quicker than I can top it up! By 9am the two ex-barn girls were screeching at me about

What a lovely day!

It is a lovely day again, the sun is shining and I have another little duckling under Eve when I just checked. This one appears to be an Erin & Bumble baby, but I won’t be certain for quite a


Little Jet 😀 Jet is the first to hatch from the eggs under Eve and is a sired by my lovely drake Bumble (Aylesbury) and Topaz (Cayuga).  Eve doesn’t seem to have noticed she has hatched a duckling and not

Cleaning Out & Preparing to Hatch

Today is the big clean out day. Each week I poop pick the chicken coop and take the top layer out of the duck house and top up the bedding, but once a month I have a major clean out.

Spring Is In The Air!

Firstly, welcome to my new blog. I’ll be talking about all things poultry related, but mainly my own wonderful birds, their daily antics, and hopefully I will be able to pass on some tips and encourage people who are thinking