Monthly Archives: October 2017

Chicken re-feathering

Bob’s Recovering – Wing Clipping – Eggs

Bob the hen is recovering well, her feathers coming in fast now although she's in moult Wings were clipped on the escapees. Richer, darker yolks on our eggs

3 Nova Brown Hens

2 Surprises from the Hens

We had to go out and when we came back our hens had 2 surprises for us. One that scared me and the other made us happy. Getting more and better eggs, now.

Pest Proof Poultry Feeder and Two Hens

Pest Proof Chicken Feeder and Hens in Lay

The Roamwild pest proof chicken feeder is great for anyone suffering rodents or birds taking the flock's feed. We also now have two layers in the new flock.

Fox Proof Chicken Run

Fox Proof Chicken Run

Our new fox proof chicken run and poultry area. Why we've built it to such high standards and how we've made it absolutely fox-proof.

Eglu Cube

Why We Chose the Eglu Cube

We thought long and hard about what coop to get for the new poultry and settled on the Eglu Cube. Here's why we chose the Eglu Cube over cheaper coops.

Small childing hand feeding a nova brown hen

Poultry Auction and New Hens

With the new coop and run set up we went to the local poultry auction in the hope of starting a new flock of hens at the smallholding.