Illustrations by Ludlow – First Edition May 1867, Revised Edition 1899, This Copy 1904
THE first edition of this work was published in 1867, its object being to give practical details in such a practical way that it might be put into the hands of a person totally ignorant of poultry-keeping, with the reasonable certainty that its instructions would be understood by him, and if followed would command success.
After numerous minor revisions for some of the many successive impressions, the Twentieth Edition called for more extensive re-casting, and was set up afresh in entirely new type, with Coloured Plates in lieu of the older black illustrations.
That edition also has, since 1885, been many times reprinted, with occasional minor corrections. But the time has at length come when another entirely new edition seems to be demanded.
Note: the coloured plate illustrations by Ludlow are stunning!
Bantam Breeds of Chickens from The Practical Poultry Keeper by Lewis Wright 1867. Colour Illustrations by Ludlow from the 1899 Revised Edition.
THERE is not the slightest reason for supposing that any of the diminutive fowls known as Bantams are ...
Cochins, Dark Brahmas, Malays from The Practical Poultry Keeper by Lewis Wright 1867. Colour Illustrations by Ludlow from the 1899 Revised Edition.
Cochin Chickens
THE Cochin breed, as now known, appears to have been imported into this country a...
Duckwing Game, Pile Game, Grey Dorkings & Black-Red Game from The Practical Poultry Keeper by Lewis Wright 1867. Colour Illustrations by Ludlow from the 1899 Revised Edition.
THIS is a pre-eminently English breed of fowls, and is, a...
French Breeds of Chickens from The Practical Poultry Keeper by Lewis Wright 1867. Colour Illustrations by Ludlow from the 1899 Revised Edition.
SEVERAL remarkable breeds of fowls have been introduced into England from France, which it will be convenient ...
Hamburgh Breed Chickens from The Practical Poultry Keeper by Lewis Wright 1867. Colour Illustrations by Ludlow from the 1899 Revised Edition.
Hamburgh Chickens
UNDER the name of Hamburghs are now collected several varieties of fowls, presenting...
Polish Breed Chickens from The Practical Poultry Keeper by Lewis Wright 1867. Colour Illustrations by Ludlow from the 1899 Revised Edition.
Polish Chickens
UNDER the title of Polands, or Polish fowls, should be collected all varieties which are ...
Spanish, Leghorn, Minorcan & Ancona Chickens from The Practical Poultry Keeper by Lewis Wright 1867. Colour Illustrations by Ludlow from the 1899 Revised Edition.
ALL round the coast of the Mediterranean at all events, round the European coast ...
Wyandottes & Plymouth Rocks from The Practical Poultry Keeper by Lewis Wright 1867. Colour Illustrations by Ludlow from the 1899 Revised Edition.
The hen's hackle resembles the cock's, only shorter and broader. Secondaries and primaries ...
Lewis Wright has little to say about this truly remarkable, ornamental breed of Yokohama Chickens from Japan which is surprising considering the mania that followed the importation of Chinese chickens. When he was writing, little was known about the...