Chicken Coop Plans, Chicken Ark Plans, Poultry Farm Plans, Back Yard Poultry Systems, Back Garden Poultry Keeping Plans & Systems
These plans and articles are taken from Poultry Houses and Fixtures, eighth edition, published by Reliable Poultry Journal Publishing Company of Quincy, Illinois in 1919. Price $1.00
It was filled with poultry house plans and layouts for small farms and back yard enterprises, many of which had been produced by universities and the US department of agriculture.
At the time this was published, it was possible for a 10 acre poultry farm to support a family and 2 layouts are provided along with plans for coops and poultry houses of various sizes
Most of the model enterprises combined poultry with orchard fruit crops and pasture / arable rotations. Stocking densities, even in what they termed intensive systems, were low by modern commercial standards. This was to reduce the amount of disease and reduce parasite loads rather than any welfare concerns.
This A-Shaped Poultry House is Neat and Inconspicuous. A Chicken Coop That Will Not Be Out of Place On Any Back Lawn. Full Plans & Sketches
Recently we moved from a small town where land is plentiful and cheap, to...
Even though only a very limited amount of room is available, it will pay to give the fowls an outdoor run. The above illustration shows how to make a small yard look neat and trim with but little trouble or expense.
A Back Yard Poultry Business...
Made From Two Piano Boxes. Is Practical, Comfortable and Inexpensive.
Inexpensive poultry houses may readily be made from piano boxes. The substantial one shown in Fig. 132 above is a good example of a house of this type,...
An Easily-Moved Coop And Run For a Small Flock of Confined Fowls or Chicks.
The combined coop and run shown in the photograph is one of several in successful use on an eastern backyard poultry plant. This house is only about 4 feet square, ...
Plans for a Low-Cost Poultry House With Sheltered Exercising Room Underneath That Affords Comfort for the Chickens All the Year.
Where a small flock only is to be kept, simply to supply the home table with fresh, high-quality eggs and possibly ...
It pays to provide neat, attractive poultry houses, located where the fowls will have plenty of shade and where they will be protected from storms. Convenient equipment for supplying feed and water, as shown above, greatly reduces the labour of caring...
A House for 20 Hens From Ohio State University Extension Bul., Vol. 12, No. 2.
An Attractive House for Small Back-Yard Flocks. Practical and Complete in Every Important Detail.
The house shown in Figs. 46, 48 and 49 has been designed especially...
A Layout for a One-Man Poultry Farm
In the plan above is shown another layout for a poultry plant. This has been prepared by the Massachusetts Agricultural College, and is intended to meet the requirements of a "one-man, ten-acre poultry farm." ...
A Practical House for Small Back-Yard Flocks. Has Muslin Ventilation, and Well-Protected Perches. Just Right for a Pen of Bantams.
The drawings at the foot of this page illustrate a convenient and practical house suitable for...
Laying Out the Back Yard Poultry Plant
There are various ways of laying out the back yard to accommodate a small flock of fowls, but one convenient manner of doing this is shown above.
Special attention should be called to the fact that the back-yard...
In the proportions here indicated this plan calls for about 10 acres, but it can readily be expanded or reduced to meet individual requirements, without any material change in arrangement of departments.
This sketch is drawn to scale, except...
Back-yard poultry keepers often find difficulty in protecting fowls on the roost from drafts or air currents in cold, stormy weather, particularly when the wind is blowing more or less directly against the front.
This is due to the fact that...