Keeping Ducks

Aylesbury DucksDucks are a joy to keep in the back garden, on the allotment, or on a smallholding. They have a lot of character and don’t need as much water or space as many think.

Certain breeds, such as runner ducks, are content with a small pond or paddling pool, a good area of ground to dib in, and a secure house come night time.

They are great to help clear veg beds – eating all the slugs and snails as well as their eggs – so help you with growing your own as well as laying lots of lovely eggs to eat.

Duck Articles

Back Garden Ducks - Duck Keeping Basics

Back Garden Ducks - Duck Keeping Basics

Keeping ducks in the back garden is a lot easier than people expect. They need a little more room than chickens in both run size and coop size; plus a few little extras to keep them healthy and happy. However, in terms of looking after will take you only...
Duck Housing – Accommodation and Enclosed Runs

Duck Housing – Accommodation and Enclosed Runs

Just like Chickens the garden duck is at risk from predator attacks such as foxes. Training ducks to go into a coop or house takes only a few nights and makes sure your new pets are warm and protected. Picking the right duck housing is very important....
Ducks and Water - Do You Need a Pond?

Ducks and Water - Do You Need a Pond?

The breeds listed in our popular duck breeds guide can happily make do with a bucket of water for head ducking and a very small bathing area such as a baby bath or paddling pool. However, ducks and water go hand in hand and they do enjoy a good swim....
Feeding Ducks & Compound Rations

Feeding Ducks & Compound Rations

Feeding Ducks by Katie Thear All ducks, whether dabblers, divers or perchers, have the same need for nutrients in the form of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins; it is merely the proportions and the form in which they are found or...
Feeding Ducks Best Practice & Home Made Duck Feed

Feeding Ducks Best Practice & Home Made Duck Feed

Feeding Regimen & Home Made Duck Feed by Katie Thear Our practice, which always worked well, was to give a compound ration of pellets in the morning, when the ducks were first let out of their house. The pellets were placed in a long, wide and...
Feeding Ducks Grain, Grass & Greens, and Grit

Feeding Ducks Grain, Grass & Greens, and Grit

Feeding Ducks Grain, Grass and other Necessities by Katie Thear Grain such as wheat or a mixed grain ration is popular with ducks, both domestic and ornamental breeds. It is useful to feed it in the afternoon, particularly when placed on a clean area...
Popular Breeds of Ducks for Backyard or Garden

Popular Breeds of Ducks for Backyard or Garden

A guide to breeds of Ducks including Aylesbury, Indian Runner, Campbells & Call Ducks. Once you decide that the lovely rich duck eggs in the morning that have been freshly laid is the way forward you have to decide what breeds of ducks you are...

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