Egg Shell Colour Chart by Breed of Hen

Egg Shell ColourEggshell colour by Breed
(including pure breeds and hybrids)

The colour of eggshells is the result of pigments being deposited during egg formation within the oviduct. The type of pigment depends upon the breed and is genetically determined.

The following table indicates shell colour by breed, but bear in mind that this is a generalisation for there is a great deal of variation between flocks of the same breed. It is the particular strain of breed that is important.

Egg Shell Colour

Breed of Hen Egg Shell Colour
Ancona Cream/White
Andalusian White
Appenzeller White
Araucana Blue-green
Asil White/Tinted
Augsburger White
Australorp Tinted/Brown
Barnevelder Brown
Black Rock Brown
Booted Bantam Tinted
Bovans Nera Brown
Brabanter White
Brahma Tinted/Brown
Brakel White
Breda Cream/White
Bresse White
Calder Ranger Mid brown
Campine White
Cochin Tinted/Brown
Cream Legbar Blue-green/Olive
Creve Coeur White
Croad Lansghan Brown
Derbyshire Redcap White/Tinted
Dominique Brown
Dorking White/Tinted
Dutch Bantam Tinted
Faverolles Tinted/Cream
Fayoumi Tinted/Cream
Friesian White
Frizzle White/Tinted
German Langshan Tinted/Brown
Hamburgh White
Hebden Black Mid to dark brown
Hisex Ranger Brown
Houdan White
Hy-Line Brown Brown
Indian (Cornish) Game Tinted/Brown
ISA Brown Brown
Italiener White
Ixworth White/Tinted
Japanese Bantam Cream/White
Jersey Giant Tinted/Brown
Ko-Shamo Bantam Tinted/Cream
Kraienkoppe White
Lakenvelder Tinted/White
Legbar White/Cream
Leghorn White
La Fleche Tinted/White

Egg Shell Colour

Breed of Hen Egg Shell Colour
Lohmann Brown &
L. Tradition
Malay Tinted
Maran Dark speckled
Marsh Daisy Tinted
Minorca White
Modern Game Tinted
Modern Langshan Brown
Nankin Tinted
Nankin-Shamo Tinted/Cream
New Hampshire Red Tinted/Brown
Norfolk Grey Tinted
North Holland Blue Tinted/Brown
Old English Game Tinted
Old English Pheasant Fowl Tinted/White
Orloff Tinted
Orpington Brown/Tinted
Pekin Cream/White
Plymouth Rock Tinted
Poland White
Rhinelander White
Rhode Island Red Tinted/Brown
Rhodebar Brown
Rosecomb White/Cream
Rumpless Araucana Blue-green
Rumpless Game Tinted
Scots Dumpy White/Tinted
Scots Grey White/Tinted
Sebright Cream/White
Shamo Tinted/White
Sicilian Buttercup White
Silkie White/Tinted
Spanish White
Speckledy Dark speckled
Sulmtaler Cream/Tinted
Sultan White
Sumatra White
Sussex Tinted
Tuzo Tinted
Vorwerk Cream/Tinted
Welbar Brown
Welsummer Dark speckled
White Star White
Wyandotte Tinted/Brown
Wybar Tinted
Yamato-Gunkei Tinted/Cream
Yokohama Tinted/White
Transylvanian Naked Neck Tinted/White

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