The Easicoop Farm Chicken Coop from Chartley Chucks

Easicoop Farm 2021 Model

The Easicoop Farm model comes in at a reasonable price for those who can’t afford the more expensive plastic coops on the market, but offers many of the same benefits. It measures 120cm wide x 105cm deep x 98cm high including 3 nesting boxes. Two perches, each 105cm long, will accommodate up to 6-8 hybrids sized birds or 12-16 bantams. The LOCKING Chicken Guard pop hole door opening measures 28cm high x 25cm wide.  The nest boxes can be assembled on the left or right hand side of the coop.

We’ve recently reviewed the Easicoop ECO from Chartley Chucks and we were very impressed! Easy to build, clean, and long lasting. A great budget option for back garden keepers in need of a sturdier and longer lasting chicken coop – read our full Easicoop ECO Review.

Overview Pros and Cons of the Easicoop Range


  • Easy to assemble, adaptable, and very low maintenance
  • Very easy to clean and to keep pest free
  • Long lifespan of up to 50 years. HPL is very dense, waterproof, heat resistant, resistant to thermal shock (with high summer or low winter temperatures), and bite proof
  • Sturdy and heavy. I was worried that HPL would be too light weight for our very windy area, however once assembled this coop is sturdy and just the right weight – light enough to move in the run but not so light that it is effected by strong winds.
  • Attractive – I’m personally a fan of the wooden coops aesthetically, but the Easicoop comes in a close second and is certainly for me more attractive than many of the fully plastic market options
  • Suitable for lower budgets with prices starting from £330


  • Possible air-flow/water ingress issues in very exposed areas
  • Perch bar will benefit from staining/treatment before use
  • Not biodegradable at landfill at end of life

Easicoop Farm Open Set-Up

Overall the EASICOOP range are sturdy coops that are easy to clean and maintain. They are suitable for those on a budget and especially for those who have experienced mite problems in the past.

To Buy the Easicoop Farm & Other Models

The Easicoop also comes in 3 sizes so whatever your flock size there is a coop to suit:
EASICOOP ECO for 4-6 Hybrid Hens 
EASICOOP FARM for 6-8 Hybrid Hens
EASICOOP GOTHIC for 8-10 Hybrid Hens

There are also special offers over at Chartley Chucks for those wanting to buy an Easicoop along with the Chicken Guard auto-opener together.

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