Organic Registered Certification Bodies, Certification Organic Poultry

Chickens on Grass - Certification Organic PoultryRegistered certification bodies

The registered bodies can set their own standards for their members. These standards may be higher than those officially required but they must not fall below those of the UK Organic Standards.

There are several approved certification organisations. Each one has its own identifying code number that must appear on the labelling of its members’ produce. They also have a logo that only registered producers may use on their packaging.

Soil Association Certification Ltd (Code: UK5)

The Soil Association has been promoting organic farming and horticulture since 1946, long before there was a legal definition of organic. Soil Association Certification Ltd was set up in 1973 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the association. It has its own standards which are higher than those of the UK Organic Standards.

Organic Farmers and Growers Ltd (Code: UK2)

Organic Farmers and Growers started as a marketing cooperative in the 1970s, later becoming a certification body when organic farming became legally defined and controlled. OF&G Standards generally conform with those of UK Organic Standards.

Organic Food Federation (Code: UK4)

Apart from a few points, the OFF Standards conform with those of the UK Organic Standards.

Organic Trust Ltd (Code: UK9)

The standards generally conform with those of the UK Organic Standards.

Biodynamic Agricultural Association/Demeter (Code: UK6)

The standards conform with those of UK Organic Standards with additional requirements based on Rudolph Steiner’s biodynamic principles.

Scottish Organic Producers’ Association (Code: UK3)

The standards generally conform with those of UK Organic Standards.

Irish Organic Farmers’ and Growers’ Association (Code: UK7)

The standards vary slightly from those of the UK Organic Standards.

Quality Welsh Food Certification Ltd
(Code: UK13)

The standards generally conform with those of UK Organic Standards.

Ascisco Ltd (Code: UK15)

This was set up by the Soil Association in 2003 for those who, while able to meet the minimum UK Organic Standards, are not in a position to meet the full Soil Association standards.

CMi Certification (Code: UK10)

This company provides certification for food processors and suppliers of organic produce.

This article is a shortened extract from Organic Poultry by Katie Thear and used with permission of the publisher

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