Keeping Turkeys

The Birds of America by John James Audubon, depicting a wild turkeyRaising turkeys in the back garden is again gaining popularity whether for a Christmas dinner or to keep as pets. In fact, more than a few “Christmas dinners” have ended up as family pets come Boxing Day.

Turkeys are relatively easy to raise in the back garden although, being larger, they do require more space than chickens or ducks. Turkeys can live for up to 10 years although on average they have a lifespan of around 4 years (unless destined for the table of course!).

Turkey Articles

Breeding Turkeys - Genetics & Stock

Breeding Turkeys - Genetics & Stock

Breeding Turkeys There are three ways in which turkeys are kept on a small scale. Some of these will involve breeding turkeys on-site. The turkey enterprises may be differentiated as follows: Farmers and smallholders who buy in poults during...
Breeding Turkeys - Incubating & Hatching Turkey Eggs

Breeding Turkeys - Incubating & Hatching Turkey Eggs

Collecting Turkey Eggs Collect eggs twice a day and keep records of sizes, frequency, and the number of good poults produced from each pen in a season How Many Eggs do Turkeys Lay? Lighter breeds can lay up to 100 eggs in a season and come into...
Breeding Turkeys - Introducing Sexes & Mating Turkeys

Breeding Turkeys - Introducing Sexes & Mating Turkeys

Introducing the Sexes Introduce the sexes about a month before laying begins. This is the time to change the diet over to breeders’ pellets, if they are not already on it. It will ensure that there are no deficiency diseases to be passed on to the p...
Breeding Turkeys - Turkey Rearing: Good Stock

Breeding Turkeys - Turkey Rearing: Good Stock

Turkey Rearing: Good Stock If rearing your own potential breeding stock, look for a uniformity of size, shape and colouring, and only keep the best for breeding on. Maintain detailed records so that you know which are the healthy, vigorous birds with...
Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Housing & Feeding Turkeys

Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Housing & Feeding Turkeys

Housing Your Turkeys Turkeys need a secure warm shelter to sleep in at night with space of at least 4 sqft ( 0.4M2) per bird and ventilation above head height so they are not affected by drafts. The ideal is 2 birds per M2 with a minimum perch space...
Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Introduction & Turkey Breeds

Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Introduction & Turkey Breeds

Standardised Turkey Breeds Britain (British Poultry Standards ): Bronze, Cambridge Bronze, Crimson Dawn, Norfolk Black, British White, Slate, Bourbon Red, Buff, Cröllwitzer. Narragansett, Pied USA (American Standard of Perfection ): Bronze, ...
Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Turkey Diseases

Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Turkey Diseases

Blackhead (Histomoniasis ) A once common turkey disease in turkeys it is now rare. It is caused by a protozoan parasite in the liver or caeca. It is usually picked up from land that has been previously grazed by chickens. The parasite is in the eggs...
Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Turkey Health

Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Turkey Health

Maintaining the health of the turkey flock stems from good hygiene and sound management. Most small-scale turkey owners should experience little trouble provided they follow good husbandry procedures. The main points are as follows: Always buy healthy...
Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Turkey Parasites & Poison

Guide to Keeping Turkeys - Turkey Parasites & Poison

Good pasture management and rotation will go a long way to reducing the burden of turkey parasites. Good hygiene and regular cleaning routines with housing will reduce lice and mites. Poisonous Plants Affecting Turkeys This is an unlikely occurrence...


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