Crewenna Poultry

Poultry Breeder / Supplier in Cornwall ref: 10575
Based in rural Cornwall, we supply pure breed hatching eggs, sexed female day old chicks and point of lay vaccinated hens. In business since 2020, we cater to both long term chicken lovers and beginner keepers! Hen welfare, strict biosecurity and supplying quality, healthy birds are what we pride ourselves in.
Breeds: Pure breed Bantams including: Polish, Silkie, Pekin and Faverolles. Pure breed Large Fowl including: Cream Legbar, French black copper marans, Faverolles, Gold partridge Brahma and Welsummers. Plus coturnix quail and guinea fowl.
We Supply:
Contact Information:Jacqui |
Suppliers of Geese in Cornwall
Suppliers of Turkeys in Cornwall
Suppliers of Guinea Fowl in Cornwall
Point of Lay Hens in Cornwall
Suppliers of Bantams in Cornwall
Suppliers of Ducks in Cornwall
Suppliers of Quail in Cornwall
Please Note: Suppliers have not been checked or vetted in any way.
It is completely up to you to ensure you are happy with the health, condition and sex of the birds etc.
I cannot intervene in disputes nor provide advice or an opinion on any transaction.