Suppliers of Live Fertilised Poultry Hatching Eggs for Sale in Cambridgeshire

We have 7 hatching egg suppliers listed in Cambridgeshire

Fenland Poultry

Supplier of-
Hatching Eggs, Day old Chicks and Duckings, Growers (various ages), Point of Lay Hens and Trios

Full details of Poultry Breeder Fenland Poultry

Archie's Eggs

This started as a hobby for our son and which saw it grow to more breeds. We supply hatching eggs and can incubate our eggs if you want Day Old Chicks. we will be rearing some of our eggs and will have alder chicks off heat towards the summer.

Full details of Poultry Breeder Archie's Eggs

Orchard Moorings

We sell a variety of hatching eggs from a small free range flock. Fertility checked weekly.

Full details of Poultry Breeder Orchard Moorings

Llamas and Brahmas

Gold Partridge Brahmas are, quite simply, the most amazing large fowl chickens you could possibly wish for. Friendly, huggable, exceptionally beautiful, great mothers and fathers, calm, peaceful and elegant.

We breed these fantastic chickens - it is hard to sell them, but we want other people to have an opportunity to love them as much as we do.

We have beautiful pullets, aged 10 weeks, fully feathered and independent - £15 each. Cockerels from the same batch - £10 each.

Why not consider a trio (cockerel and two hens)? - £35

We also offer:
Hatching eggs
Day old chicks
Pullets and Cockerels
Hens and Roosters

Full details of Poultry Breeder Llamas and Brahmas

Harrison's Hens

We breed various pure and rare breeds along with a few types of layers.

Visit for more information

Full details of Poultry Breeder Harrison's Hens

Chicken Run

Jersey Giants are large fowl, they are friendly birds and easy to keep. They are a rare breed laying a pale pinky/buff egg.
Cream legbar's are also a rare breed, medium size laying a blue green shelled egg

Full details of Poultry Breeder Chicken Run

Jessie's Hens

Hens at point of lay.Sometimes ducklings, and live hatching duck eggs. Defra registered and also trading standards registered. Check our web site for special offers! Ring or email to check available stock.
Alt Telephone No: 07719685434

Full details of Poultry Breeder Jessie's Hens

Live Fertilised Poultry Hatching Eggs Suppliers Listed in this Region

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