Breeders & Suppliers of Live Poultry for Sale in Hertfordshire
We have 6 poultry suppliers listed in Hertfordshire
Dawley Wood Farm
We have 200 point of lay hens for sale. Call for more details.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Dawley Wood Farm
Hannah’s Hatchery
I am breeder of beautiful (mostly) bantam chickens. At Hannah’s Hatchery I sell hatching eggs and chickens from day olds up to adults. I have a selection of breeds and colours that can be chosen from to create your own perfect flock.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Hannah’s Hatchery
Thornes Garden Nursery
Thorne’s is a well-known & trusted family business with a wealth of experience in poultry management. We offer a varied selection of hybrid pullets, fully vaccinated and reared to Freedom Food Standards. We pride ourselves on keeping all our poultry to the highest standard of cleanliness and will freely give our continued support to those wishing to keep hens at home. We offer free, expert advice on any chicken-related query.
We stock everything you need to look after your flock, or get started with hen keeping. We have a large variety of breeds available year round and all our birds are on display, either in their secure runs or free-ranging around our site.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Thornes Garden Nursery
Ivy Cottage Hens & Honey
These gorgeous birds come to us as vaccinated, day old, sexed chicks. They are home reared on quality feed. All of these birds are excellent laying hens who look beautiful and are sociable hens.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Ivy Cottage Hens & Honey
Handpecked Poultry & Supplies
We supply POL pullets both hybrid and pure breeds. If you can't see the breed you are looking for then please contact as we do hatch to order most breeds. Visit our website for more information.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Handpecked Poultry & Supplies
Harry's Poultry
Hatching eggs to adult birds nearly all year round. I also hatch to order.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Harry's Poultry