Breeders & Suppliers of Live Poultry for Sale in Glamorgan
We have 12 poultry suppliers listed in Glamorgan
Spoons & Spades
We can supply day old chicks, hatching eggs, mature quails and eggs for eating.
Please contact for details on availability and colours available.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Spoons & Spades
South Wales Poultry
We supply day old chicks and older, P.O.L pullets. Please contact for further information.
Full details of Poultry Breeder South Wales Poultry
Cefn Pennar Poultry
Brahmas large fowl: lemon pyle,darks and gold,
We are hobby breeders aiming for a good standard of brahma, this will be our second year of focusing on the breed with the intention of breeding high quality! We may also have various good egg laying breeds available so feel free to contact me by email.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Cefn Pennar Poultry
Glynneath Poultry
Just started breeding chickens, so I only have a limited number of birds each month, but I will be increasing numbers soon and adding more breeds.
If you have any queries or would like to visit, I'd prefer if you phoned first, usually available mid-afternoon/evening, or email at any time.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Glynneath Poultry
The Swedish Flower Chicken (Skånsk Blommehöna)
The Swedish Flower Chicken is a rare landrace breed from Sweden. A landrace is a breed which has been developed largely by natural, local processes in order to adapt to the local environment. It is in this way that it differs from a formal breed, which is bred to conform to a particular standard or purpose. The Swedish Flower Chicken is the largest native Swedish chicken breed.
Swedish Flower Chickens are first mentioned around 1800, however it is likely that the breed may be even older. The demise of the breed was noted in the 1970s, in fact, only 3 known flocks remained. These were found in three separate Swedish villages: Esarp; Tofta and Vomb. It was, thanks to much painstaking work the future of the breed was once again restored. The Swedish Flower Chickens received gene bank status in Sweden in 2001 and are considered a rare breed.
Flower Chickens are perfectly camouflaged for life on the Swedish plains. The standard of these birds is that they are non-standard! There are colour traits however each bird is individually speckled.
Hens weigh 2-2.5kg. Cockerels weigh 2.5 to 3.5kg.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Eggs2Hens
Turkeys in Wales
Day old double breasted white turkeys. Also ross cob chicks. Buy now to rear for Christmas.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Turkeys in Wales
Welsh Poultry
We have a wide range of sexed poultry for sale, chicks to 18 weeks old. All reared naturally on site, socialised and hardened off.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Welsh Poultry
Bootyfull Bantams
We keep our chickens as a hobby in our large back garden and our pets, all have names! We have a breeding pen of unrelated buff columbian brahma bantams where we sell their fertile hatching eggs or their off-spring from day old chicks upwards. These birds
Full details of Poultry Breeder Bootyfull Bantams
North Hills Farm
We supply point of lay Japanese (Coturnix) Quail and Chinese Painted Quail. We also sell fresh quail eggs and fertile quail eggs for hatching. Check out our website for advice on quail keeping and read about the benefit of quail egg consumption on our hea
Full details of Poultry Breeder North Hills Farm
We are a small free range rearer of hardy strong coloured laying hens. Small orders welcome. See website for directions, opening times and stock availability. Delivery available.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Blackrocklayers
Robbies Roosters
Robbies Roosters is a supplier of point of lay pullets within the Vale of Glamorgan. Point of Lay hybrids in stock all year round also laying hens from time to time. Please ring for more details on stock or visit our website.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Robbies Roosters
Ducks and Chucks 4U
I specialise in Indian Runner ducks, breeding in my cottage garden. I supply fertile eggs for hatching, day old ducklings, off heat ducklings up to point of lay. Various colours, white, black, apricot, trout, lavander and cumberland blues.
I also breed
Full details of Poultry Breeder Ducks and Chucks 4U