Breeders & Suppliers of Live Poultry for Sale in Cheshire
We have 10 poultry suppliers listed in Cheshire
Creag Mhor Poultry
Retail and wholesale suppliers of point-of-lay brown and coloured pullets. 25 years experience supplying wholesale birds nationwide.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Creag Mhor Poultry
Higher Oak Farm
We pride ourselves on offering friendly service and advice. Animal welfare is very important to us and all our animals are looked after with great care. All of our chickens are given plenty of room to display their natural behaviour. Contact us for further information.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Higher Oak Farm
Hedgerow Henporium
We raise commercial hybrid chickens, that lay approx 300 eggs in their first laying year. Now you can have beauty and egg quantity all rolled into one.
We handle all our birds daily and know them individually from hatching so they are tame and suitable for garden or smallholding flocks. Official Agents for Black Rocks from Muirfield Layers
We also breed Lavender Orpingtons, Copper Black and Copper Blue Marans, White and Black Araucana, Swedish Flower Hens, Coronation Sussex, Blue Cochin and Salmon Faverolles
Breeds: Commercial quality hybrids, Cochin, Faverolles, Araucana, Coronation Sussex, Swedish Flower Hens, Orpington, Black Rocks.
We also supply day old chicks and hatching eggs.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Hedgerow Henporium
Hens Haven
Hi, we are hobby breeders that 1st started off with chickens ourselves 10yrs ago. I made the decision to buy 3 hybrids for my daughter one Easter & the obsession for them grew from there.
We have probably owned most different breeds over the years, but a few breeds that won our hearts are the ones that we concentrate on breeding & selling theses days.
Hybrids.... you've got to love them! Cheap to buy & are the best for being egg laying machines. Each bird lays on average 300+ eggs per year. Not only that they also have a strong personality, cheeky & will follow you around the garden wanting to be your friend.
Lemon Pyle Brahma.... are stunning! Brahma are often described as the gentle giants of the chicken world. They're big, chunky, fluffy birds with feathered feet. Lovely friendly personalities that look like big balls of sunshine with their lemon & white feathers.
Japanese Bantam.... These are my mums babies. Small little toy chickens that look so pretty with their standing up tails & short little legs. Will still lay a good amount of eggs each year & quite a decent size for the size of the bird.
Lemon Millefleur Sablepoots.... Ornamental with beauitful markings. These are fantastic birds that i always find have big personalities. Again a good sized egg for the bird. They're the kind of bird that always seem to look better with age because as the moult each year, the white tip on each feather becomes more & more prominent. Big fan feathered feet, come only in a bantam size so perfect for those that don't want a large size bird.
We also supply hatching eggs from our breeding stock & at times chicks are also available.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Hens Haven
Bev's Rare Breed Poultry
We are a hobby breeder dedicated to passing on our knowledge to other hobby keepers. We supply all poultry supplies. We stock a range of coops including the Omlet range. We supply a range of hybrid hens laying a range of egg colours. Our Poultry Boarding service is very popular.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Bev's Rare Breed Poultry
Garden Poultry
We have regular deliveries during the year of fully vaccinated P.O.L Hybrids in a range of colours, we also have a selection of pure breed chickens breeds vary from hatch to hatch. occasionally we have day old chicks and hatching eggs available.
Garden Poultry is a small family run business, set in an idyllic Cheshire countryside location, besides selling Chickens we also offer Garden Hen keeping courses, Holiday Hen Accommodation and are always willing to provide help and support to chicken keepers over the phone when needed.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Garden Poultry
Cheshire Poultry
Welcome to Cheshire Poultry! We are a hobby breeder dedicated to the quality and performance of our exhibition Wyandotte's. Our main focus and passion is Wyandotte's and Sebastopol Geese. We have Large Fowl Blue laced, Buff laced, Gold laced,Silver Laced Wyandotte's, self-Blues, Partridge and Silver Pencilled Wyandotte's . We have Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantams and rare Silver Blue/Black Marans (Dark egg strain). We swept the board at the National Poultry Show and The Federation Show 2009,2010,2011,2012 winning numerous Large Laced Wyandotte classes, these were for Best Buff Laced Female, Best Silver Laced Female, and Best Blue Laced Male, Best Gold Laced Female with many birds going on to win 'Best Laced Wyandotte' and getting numerous birds placed on Championship Row at both Shows which are the 2 biggest poultry shows in the UK. Our birds, are big, true to type, and really well marked with different European bloodlines . We also have the Sebastopol Geese in Curly Breasted and Smooth Breasted in White and Buff and Grey, They are some of the Best American Blood lines and have tremendous feather quality. I also swept the board at the National Poultry Show and The Federation Show 2011,2012 winning all the Sebastopol Classes and best gander. My Sebastopol curly goose won Supreme champion at the BWA show in 2012. We believe they are some of the best Wyandotte's and Sebastopol Geese in the country. Click on my website to see lots of pictures and videos of my birds and feel free to contact us! Please enquire as we have at certain times of the year Hatching eggs we can post and Day Old Chicks you can collect and Growers and P.O.L Hens and Sebastopol Geese which we can arrange Nationwide Delivery When available. We hope you enjoy our site. We are Defra Registered.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Cheshire Poultry
Stans Bantams
I have kept bantams for many years as a hobby and also go to a lot of shows to see the top birds. I breed a few bantams every year just for interest and sell them at a very good price as I don't want to make much out of them.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Stans Bantams
The Good Life
We are a small, friendly run concern . We started with just a couple of chickens so that we could have fresh eggs for breakfast! We are passionate about our chickens and love what we do . Our free ranging chickens are outdoor reared.
Full details of Poultry Breeder The Good Life
Clare's Croads
Clare Curtis is a specialist small scale breeder of Croad Langshan poultry with limited numbers of birds, chicks and fertile eggs for sale each season.
Full details of Poultry Breeder Clare's Croads