Showline Poultry
Poultry Breeder / Supplier in Carmarthenshire ref: 9429
Keeping breeds of poultry for eggs and our poultry showing hobby. Throughout the year we have surplus hatching eggs and stock of all ages from day old to point of lay. We are very small breeders and all the stock we part with are from our genuine pure breed showline poultry. All stock/ hatching eggs are sold as pets, garden birds and occasionally some suitable as show breeders.
Collection is possible and as we travel the country to shows we can usually meet up if required.
Breeds: Cream Crested Legbars, White Silkies, Welbar bantams, Welsummer bantams, Brown & Silver Duckwing Leghorn bantams, Bielefelder bantams, Light Sussex bantams, Blue Laced Wyandotte bantams.
We Supply:
Contact Information:Becs |
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Please Note: Suppliers have not been checked or vetted in any way.
It is completely up to you to ensure you are happy with the health, condition and sex of the birds etc.
I cannot intervene in disputes nor provide advice or an opinion on any transaction.