Happy Hens

Poultry Breeder / Supplier in Lincolnshire ref: 10145
I am a hobby breeder who loves keeping and breeding chickens. I can supply hatching eggs, chicks, POL, hens and cockerels.
My birds are well-cared for, reared on grass and free-range.
Please contact me on my email jillsheffield24@gmail.com or find me on Facebook Messenger Jill Sheffield
Please contact me with any queries, preferably by email.
I am in Lincs, but close to Notts, Leics, and Rutland
Fertile Eggs (tested) can be collected or posted as preferred.
Breeds: Braekel (similar to Campine), Crested Cream Legbar (blue/green eggs), Yellow Partridge Leghorn, French Copper Maran, Speckled Sussex, Welsummer. I also have hybrid for coloured eggs, Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers Bantam Separate Pure Breed Breeding Groups: Barnevelder (double silver-laced), Barbu D’Anver, Exchequer Leghorn, Faverolle, Polish, Pekin smooth (several colour groups), Pekin Frizzle, Pekin Silkie Feathered, Sablepoot (booted bantam), Silkies
We Supply:
Contact Information:Jill |
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Please Note: Suppliers have not been checked or vetted in any way.
It is completely up to you to ensure you are happy with the health, condition and sex of the birds etc.
I cannot intervene in disputes nor provide advice or an opinion on any transaction.