I hope everyone had wonderful Yule and Christmas celebrations and that there were some really pampered Chucks, Ducks and other feathered and furred friends.
Thanks to the recent frozen snap I have had some rather unhappy muckers due to frozen water pipes and no baths – for them or me! Unfortunately it meant I was unable to go away for Christmas, but still had a lovely time with a friend who was also stuck at home due to burst pipes.
The water finally came back on today and the ducks looked so happy to get their first bath in seven days! Although Bee looked at the water after the others had gone in and dirtied it and quacking until I refilled it nice and fresh for him 🙄
The cats had a lovely Christmas stuffed with turkey and little Buffy decided she really quite likes cheese and biscuits, especially when stolen off plates 😈
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year and  a great 2011 for all.
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