Brae Croft poultry.

Poultry Breeder / Supplier in Ross-shire ref: 10452
We are a family run croft on the gorgeous Black Isle, near Inverness.
We breed traditional and show quality poultry in a clean, caring and nourished environment on our croft. All of our birds are hatched and raised on site. We have a website that has many tips for poultry keeping and all our breed information.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Breeds: Silver laced pekin bantams Blue laced Wyandottes - large fowl Gold Dutch bantams Traditional light Sussex - large fowl Bantam white silkies Cuckoo dumpy - bantam Seramas Olive eggers Cream leg bars Colombian Brahams Polish frizzle and smooth Waterfowl = Call ducks Runner ducks Quail = Japanese quail
We Supply:
Contact Information:Morag Davies |
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Please Note: Suppliers have not been checked or vetted in any way.
It is completely up to you to ensure you are happy with the health, condition and sex of the birds etc.
I cannot intervene in disputes nor provide advice or an opinion on any transaction.