The Birches Birds

Poultry Breeder / Supplier in Ross-shire ref: 10416
The Birches Birds specialise in quality call ducks for breeding or exhibition. We have a variety of colours including white, pied, silver & abacot. Please note that fertilised eggs will only be available for a very short time between March & June each year, due to call ducks' very short breeding season.
We also breed Suffolk Chequer bantam poultry & may occasionally have pekins and seramas available.
We always strive to offer the best quality we can and enjoy showing when possible.
Please email only for enquiries.
Breeds: Call Ducks, Suffolk Chequers & Seramas
We Supply:
Contact Information:L. Gray |
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Suppliers of Ducks in Ross-shire
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Please Note: Suppliers have not been checked or vetted in any way.
It is completely up to you to ensure you are happy with the health, condition and sex of the birds etc.
I cannot intervene in disputes nor provide advice or an opinion on any transaction.